"After going through the training, I'm amazed at how much you can do just by listening to your body giving you the answers."
Anna has a degree in chemistry, grew up in Skåne and has lived in Stockholm for 20 years. Anna has a background as an elite badminton player, which has resulted in a number of injuries, which has also sparked her interest in HCT and what can be prevented with the right diet and treatments.
"I have a great interest in how our bodies and minds work and have always wanted to understand how we work chemically and biologically and what happens when something doesn't work properly and what can be done to fix it in the best way, both mentally and physically.
I have a previous certification as a nutrition therapist and yoga teacher, but my interest in HKT was sparked after listening to Anna Sparre's podcast where she interviewed Ulf Kilman. After going through the training, I am amazed at how much you can do just by listening to your body giving you the answers.
I want to help people feel better both physically and mentally by listening to what each individual body needs and prioritises.
I attended the HKT training with Ulf in 2021/2022, have completed more than 50 student treatments and am now a certified HKT therapist."