Kinesiology is the study of movement. This is an area currently undergoing exciting developments. Kinesiologists are taught how to interpret nervous system reactions. They gain an understanding of how the body communicates internally and how it reacts to any stimuli it is exposed to. From this snapshot of what is going on inside, the kinesiologist is then able to help the body to understand how it should work. There are many schools of thought and techniques within kinesiology, but the basic principle is always the same; to read how the body is functioning on a neurological plane.
It’s possible to test most things with kinesiology, but there are pitfalls. It’s therefore essential to undergo proper training to be able to read the body correctly. The nervous system can be affected by dehydration, toxins, stress or trauma for example. If this is the case and the body is unbalanced the readings obtained can be misleading. The quality of the question is also important. The more skillful the questioning, the clearer are the responses.
In some countries, in order to get their license chiropractors must study kinesiology to learn how to identify the priority order of a client’s treatment programme. This prevents the wrong treatment being administered. Those kinesiologists who ask the best questions of the nervous system and are aware of the pitfalls are the ones who get the best results.
How can it work?
In all tissue throughout the human body, nerve cells are present. These cells send information to both the central nervous system and the brain reporting on what is happening in the area where the nerve cell is located. This information is processed by the brain, which then passes signals to glands, organs and muscles, which in turn also forward signals back for verficiation or correction. Every inward signal (afferent, sensory) or outward signal (efferent, motor) happens at an electric impuls of circa 0.55 mV.
When a kinesiologist tests a muscle, a slight pressure is applied in a specific direction, on to for example an arm. This pressure increases from around 0 - 5 kg. The action makes the nervous system send more and more signals to the muscle fibres to be able to keep the arm in position. If this is not possible something is not right. It can be a problem with the muscle itself, the nerve cell, the interpretation of the signal or an organ or gland relating to the muscle, which causes the weakness.
In this way the kinesiologist can pinpoint the disturbance and where it comes from. The idea is to re-awaken the cell memory and give the body power to resolve or remove the underlying cause of the problem. This often gives a number of positive effects into the bargain.