The health test consists of a full-body scan with eis and a vitamin needs test. With the help of the health test, you get a picture of what your body looks like on the inside and you also find out which nutrition your body has the most positive effect of adding. All to maximize your energy and improve your immune system.
There are a plethora of measurement methods and instruments on the market but we use the EIS, as it is easy to use and is based on bioimpedance research that uses statistics and provides a safety of 85-95 %, which we believe is good enough to be able to provide a lot of good indication of the health situation. The EIS is performed with a bioimpe dance meter that sends weak electrical impulses through the body.
Scanning with EIS
The EIS was developed in France by doctors, physicists, mathematicians and computer experts but the company was moved to the Us where there was better statistical basis.
The technology is based on a bioimpe dance measurement that after only a few minutes provide a total functional analysis of the body's systems and organs. The analysis gives, among other things, a picture of the fluid balance, metabolism, pH value, inflammations, hormone status and nervous system function.
With the EIS, early disturbances in body systems can be detected and internal organs even before serious diseases occur. You register a ESG – an Electrosomatogram – for the entire condition of the body. In a similar way to an ECG reproduces the state of the heart or an EEG shows brain function. With an ESG you see the entire function of your body – not just some – and you can follow changes in health conditions, and quickly see how a treatment works. Today with this equipment, 69 different physiological parameters in Human body. The result is shown in 3D format and gives a holistic view of the physical/physiological functions of the client and, among other things, how stress, diet, lifestyle and medicines affect health and vitality.
The equipment is used by both doctors and alternative therapists and are available in more than 100 different hospitals worldwide.
The advantage of eis study is that:
- The client receives quickly and easily reliable information about the current health condition
- The client does not have to undergo various examinations with various doctors in order to get a holistic view of his health status
- The client gets an indication of which organ or body system is the weakest link in the body
- The client can follow changes in the body and thus see what effect different lifestyle changes or therapies have
The system is based on findings from the following research:
- R. Voll (organometry, change in resistance in human body organs and systems);
- T. Graham (physiology of matter in colloid state);
- V. Schmidt and X. Pflaum (neurohumoral regulation);
- H. Frölich (quantum superconductivity of koherenta wavefields);
- Prigogine, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1977 (the coherenta organization of space that shapes the dissipative structures of biological systems);
- R. Sheldrake (morfogena fields and information theory);
- R. Damadian (relaxation time of the protoners of water molecules in living cells in cases of magnetic resonance)
Kilman Institute certifications:
- CE 0459 Class IIa – European Certificate for Medical Use.
- IIa means that not only licensed staff are allowed to use this.
- CSA Class 8750 81 / 875001- Canadian and U.S. medical certificate.